Tuesday 8 April 2014

Growing Up

Over the past few weeks I've started to notice more and more how much Sophia has changed since her birthday. She's now walking confidently and she understands quite a bit of what we say now. She'll also come up to us and give kisses, wave to us and she is now able to anticipate our routine more, like when I get her coat and shoes on or when it is dinner time. She's also interacting with Smudge a lot more now and the other animals and really enjoys stroking them gently. 

She's so fun at this age, though she's sometimes a handful, she's easy to distract and is becomming more interested in doing proper activities like playing with the ball in the garden and playing with playdough. I'm trying to think up lots of new ideas for her! 

Though the baby stage felt like it went far too quickly, I'm enjoying having so much fun together at the stage she's at now.

Here's some recent pictures...
Walking in the woods.
Helping to look after the hens.
Sophia now uses her fork and spoon after lots and lots of practise together!

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