Sunday, 23 March 2014

Dear Sophia: 13 Months Old

Dear Sophia,

You are a 1 year old now! You’re personality is shining through and we are loving watching you change. The pudgy little limbs you used to sport have been replaced by toddling, long legs and busy hands. You’re so aware of everything that’s going on now – you don’t miss a trick! Here’s what you get up to at 13 months old…

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We’ve done it – we’ve finally done it! We’ve found a food you don’t like; green beans. Which is a bit of a blow as I have nearly a whole bag of frozen green beans in the freezer so I’ll have to get creative with disguising them in food! You’ve been trying them, making a face and taking them back out of your mouth. It’s the first food you’ve ever not liked so that’s not too bad going.

Other than that, you’ve been continuing to eat all we give to you. You have 3 meals and usually 2 small snacks a day which seems to suit you well. You are completely off bottles now and have a warm drink of milk in the morning and evening. Overall we’re so happy with how you eat. Baby led weaning was by far the best choice we could’ve made for you!

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This month has seen a big change as you can now…

  • Walk! You now toddle around and you’re so pleased with yourself and we are so proud of you!
  • Four teeth. You have two teeth on the top and two on the bottom. You look ever so grown up when you are smiling now. You still love to brush you’re teeth too.
  • Understand speech. You understand hello, goodbye and goodnight and respond by waving. You understand when we are talking about mum, dad or smudge and look in the right direction. If I say ‘Where’s Smudge?’ you look around the room until you see him, then you wave.
  • Naps. You are slowly dropping from two naps a day to one which means mummy has to work twice as fast to get everything done. Now you usually go down after lunch and sleep for a few hours.

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Five Favourites at 13 Months:

Favourite toy: You love your push along truck at the moment. You go up and down the room like Speedy Gonzales! Though you enjoy walking on your own you seem to really enjoy pushing your little truck along too.

Favourite book: You had a sound book form Uncle Pat for your birthday that you’ve really been enjoying’'. You like to press the buttons to hear the sounds play.

Favourite food: You’re favourite meal is spaghetti bolognaise at the moment (I’m going to do a post soon on an average week in your tummy – showing which foods you eat).

Favourite activity: Opening and closing things or getting objects in and out of boxes, cupboards, baskets etc.

Favourite thing to do or say: Giving things to people. You like to present people with your toys and food and look at them with a big smile when they take whatever you’re offering.

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You’re such a jolly and happy little girl and you seem to be growing up before our eyes at the moment – time goes too quickly!

And that’s what you’re doing at 13 months, our beautiful toddling little sweetpea.

Lots of love from Mummy and

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