Thursday, 2 January 2014

2014…Looking Forward

Happy New Year!


My 2014 Motto is…

little things

As I said in my previous post, 2013 has been an amazing year, so much has happened! Last year I didn’t make any resolutions apart from growing and giving birth to our little Sophia. This year I thought really hard about what I would like to achieve this year.

I thought it’d be a good idea to write down my New Year Resolutions in the hope it’d make me stick to them better!

In 2014 I want to…

  1. Get Active. I want to do more exercise and get fitter. It’d be nice to go walking and swimming more as a family. I’d love to take up running but as I’m so unfit I think that’s a bit too ambitious…maybe next year!
  2. Play more. Now Sophia is much more interactive I want to find fun and different things for us to do and make time in the day to really play and have fun with her.
  3. Read more books. In 2013 I think I read about two books to the end – one about natural birth and the other about baby-led weaning so not exactly a relaxing read! I’m lucky enough to have a Kindle so really have no excuse! And obviously the library for free books. I’m going to set aside time to sit back with a book and a cup of tea.
  4. Spend more time with family. Both James and Sophia and wider family. I’d like to go on more family days out and visit family more regularly.
  5. Sort the house. Since moving to our new house we’ve made the main rooms habitable but haven’t really been able to put our stamp on the place. Partly due to money and partly down to just not finding the time or knowing where to start. We’ve also got the spare room to unpack and Sophia’s room to finish off and move her in. Also the garden will need some serious work! We dream of growing our own fruit and veg and to have a couple of chickens clucking around. We’re in no rush but would like to finish as much as we can within the year.
  6. Try something new. This year I’m going to start a new hobby; crocheting. I think crochet is really pretty and is something which I’d love to learn and make beautiful things for our home and for gifts. I also want to get on my sewing machine more often to make a few things.
  7. Less screen time. Since getting my iPhone a few years ago I feel like I’ve got it glued to my hand all the time. I want to cut down on staring at a screen and just enjoy the moments. James and I have already decided that we will leave our phones after a certain time in the evening and just relax together. Which leads me onto my next resolution…
  8. Make time as a couple. Since having Sophia James and I have only been out together on our own twice. This year it’d be nice to get out a bit more together or at least set aside evenings to really enjoy each others company by watching films together or relaxing outside in the warmer weather.
  9. Capture moments. I love taking pictures of everything and want to continue to capture memories and continue to learn how to use my camera in order to get the best pictures I can. I also want to be in more of the pictures rather than just taking them. I don’t want Sophia to look back at photos and wonder why I wasn’t in them.
  10. Try new recipes. I cook almost all of our meals from scratch and really enjoy cooking but feel I’ve got into a bit of a rut with our menus. I have about 20 cookbooks and I’m pledging to try one new recipe every week in 2014 to widen our cuisine horizon. It’s something I used to do a lot before I had Sophia and was something I’d always look forward to so it would be lovely restart this.

And I think that is enough to be getting on with this year! Hopefully I manage to stick to these as I don’t think they are too hard and they are quite fun resolutions. Maybe I’ll do an update post in a  few months to see how I’m doing.

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