It was Saturday 2nd June 2012 and very early in the morning. Little did we know that this was the day that our lives would change forever…
I woke up and went to the bathroom, leaving James sleeping. I took a pregnancy test and left it on the side. I flushed the loo and washed my hands and turned back to check the test. I was expecting it to be negative, just as all of the others had been in the past. I saw just one line and my heart started to sink…another month gone.
I carried on pottering and looked back at the test. There was a tiny, faint second line! I squinted and held it up to the light. The line was hardly visible but it was there and that’s all that mattered to me!
I went back to bed, clutching the test and smiling to myself. James stirred and asked if I was ok, I said “I just took a pregnancy test.” He just said ok and went to go back to sleep, he was just as used to negatives as I was.
After a few seconds I asked him, “don’t you want to know what it says?” He made a noise meaning ‘go on then’ and I said to him, “I think I might be pregnant!”
We both poured over the test in bed talking about ‘what ifs’…we couldn’t believe it!
We had a long drive to Ludlow that morning and all I could think about was whether I really was pregnant. The line had just been so tiny and it could’ve been a mistake. I’d read about evaporation lines before and thought it could be that. I was trying not to get my hopes up but deep down I think I knew that I was pregnant.
We saw family that day and carried on as normal. Later that afternoon we decided to go to Tesco and get a digital test to give us an answer one way or another. The suspense was killing us!
I couldn’t wait to even get out of Tesco to take the test. Looking back there were, better, more romantic ways to find out but I just couldn’t wait. Standing in the toilet staring at the little timer on the test were the longest minutes of my life. But eventually the word ‘Pregnant’ flashed up.
I met James outside the toilets and nodded ‘yes’ to him. We walked back to the car hand in hand, beaming from ear to ear that the baby we had longed for was now growing inside me and would be with us in 9 months time.
What a difference a year makes!
This day last year I saw this…
{I said the second line was teeny!}
And now we have this beautiful little girl…
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