Dear Sophia,
You are now two weeks old! We are really starting to get to know your little ways now and your personality is beginning to show. We can already tell you are going to be a feisty little thing!
This week you have been…
You have been sleeping much better this week which has been lovely! Last week you refused to settle into your Moses basket without a lot of persuasion but this week you go down with no trouble at all. You like to be rocked for a few minutes and then you are happy to be put down.
You sleep most of the day and night but you are most alert after your afternoon feed at about 3pm. We love talking to you and playing with you during this time. Sometimes we’ll put you down onto your play mat and you’ll kick your legs around. Sometimes we will just cuddle you and show you your panda rattle. You seem to really like looking at him!
This has been a really, really tough week for feeding. After an initial small loss off your birth weight you were weighed twice more this week and you had lost more weight each time. I was feeding you what felt like constantly but you rarely seemed satisfied. I felt so sorry for you, knowing I couldn’t provide for you what you needed.
After talking to the midwife we decided that the best way to go would be to express as much breast milk as I could to give you extra and also ‘top-up’ your feeds with small amounts of formula milk. The health visitor came this morning and weighed you. You are now nearly back up to your birth weight! Daddy and I are so relieved!
Now you are breast fed with extra breast milk and formula you seem much happier and satisfied and seem to be sleeping much better. The midwife said you’ll be like a sumo when she comes back to see you on Saturday!
Other Little Memories
- You have been much more vocal this week. You coo away to yourself when you’re awake in the day time and it’s so sweet. We try to encourage you by talking back.
- You went out in your pram for the first time this week. Uncle Mike pushed you and you were as good as gold.
- Daddy went back to work this week so it was just you and I. We missed him lots but we did just fine.
- When you are wearing your sleepsuits you love to tuck your legs up to your chest so the legs of the suit just dangle there. It looks very funny!
- Your cord fell off this week!
- We used to watch TV in the evenings but most of the time we just watch you! We secretly will you to wake up just so we can cuddle with you. We still can’t believe how blessed we are to be your parents – you are wonderful!
Happy 2 week birthday beautiful girl!
Lots of love from Mummy and
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