Monday, 16 March 2015

Dear Harrison: 14 Weeks…

Dear Harrison,

I can’t believe it has taken me this long to write to you! Time has sped past and you are now 14 weeks. You are perfection – you feel so fresh and new, yet that you have always been here all at the same time. You are a bundle of scrumptiousness and we feel so lucky to have you.


Just 14 weeks ago I held you, a tiny newborn, in my arms. I remember staring at you in wonder – how could I have made and grown such a perfect being? That teeny tiny baby all scrunched and red is a memory as you are now a complete pudding with gorgeous rolls and the sweetest chubby cheeks. You look so much like your older sister but a more masculine version of course.

Sadly, our breastfeeding journey has come to an end at 3 months. You don’t seem to mind and you still favour mummy over anybody else. Sophia was such a Daddy’s girl but you are obsessed with me and your big, blue eyes are always drawn in my direction. I secretly love it!


You are a fantastic sleeper which we are very thankful for as all three of us love our sleep so it looks like you have followed in our footsteps! Since you were two weeks old you have been sleeping so well, only waking once about 4am to be fed then you will sleep some more! At about 9 weeks you began sleeping through completely which was so welcome. I could hardly believe it the first morning I woke to find you still snoozing in your moses basket next to me. We recently began putting you to bed at the same time as your sister as you much prefer to be sleeping in peace upstairs rather than down with us. You go down so well. The only change is that you have began waking at about 4am again for a feed but that’s to be expected since you are sleeping longer stretches. Sometimes after your night feed I’ll keep you in the bed with us and snuggle back down to sleep.


You are usually such a jolly, little man. You give us all the biggest grins! You love people talking to you and babble back as loudly as you can. Your favourite thing in the world is watching your big sister playing. You look up so curiously, I can see in your face that you are desperate for her to talk to you and meet your gaze. You also have a real love of bath time. You happily splash away in the warm water and I think you could stay there all day if I let you! We are planning on taking you swimming for the first time soon which I hope you will really love!

You are starting to change and become more interested in your toys and objects around you. You have began to try to touch toys when they are dangled in front of you and you kick and flail your arms when you are happy and excited. I can’t wait to see what you will do next!

You are such a strong boy too! You really love to ‘stand up’ on your feet and even try to walk up me sometimes. You are getting better at your tummy time and will kick your legs and stick your bum into the air as though you are trying to move along. I wonder if you will be an early walker…


Before you arrived I worried how I could possibly love anyone as much as I love your big sister but the second I held you it felt as though my heart just doubled in size and I loved you just as much. I love you both with every ounce of my being and feel lucky beyond measure to have you both.


As I look at you sleeping next to me as I write this I wish I could freeze time and just enjoy you at this age for a little bit longer than I can. Having done this all with Sophia I know how fleeting this stage is and how before long you will be mobile and eating and growing into the sweet little boy you are. But, for now, I just want to drink you in and enjoy every moment with you.

You will always be my baby.

Love you H,

Friday, 13 March 2015

Harrison’s Birth Story

Harrison Dennis born 1st December 2014 at 2:10pm weighing 8lbs.


Harrison’s birth was pretty fast and straight forward compared to Sophia’s thankfully. I am recalling it three months on so my memories are a little fuzzy but I really want to get it all down.

Sunday 30th November – My Due Date:

On Sunday morning I was booked in to have a sweep at my local maternity unit. Though I was feeling scared and worried at the prospect of giving birth again I was so uncomfortable and desperate to meet our little Bean. My mum offered to have Sophia for the day while we went for the sweep and then to get a few bits done around the house.

The sweep went well (as well as it can go anyway – ouch!) and I was hopeful that it could get things going as the sweep I had with Sophia did the trick.

James and I decided to make the most of our childfree day and we went for lunch at our local pub. After we’d ordered I popped to the loo and to my surprise some of my ‘show’ had come away. I remember feeling both nervous and a bit excited. We had a yummy lunch and decided to go home. I was really keen to put our Christmas decorations as I thought we might not get chance if we waited any longer (luckily my gut was right on this one!). I still chuckle at the memory of me bouncing up and down on my birthing ball whilst putting together the tree and hanging the decorations! I kept bouncing all afternoon willing the baby on. Sophia came home after she’d had her tea and after we’d got her into her PJ’s and read her a story she went off to bed.

By that time I wasn’t getting any twinges so was resigned to the fact that I’d be waiting a little while longer to have my baby. James and I decided to relax on the sofa and we watched National Lampoons Christmas Vacation together.

At about 10pm I headed up to get ready for bed whilst James locked up. I was still getting more ‘show’ when I went to the toilet but didn’t really think much of it. I got into bed to relax but noticed what I thought was Braxton Hicks coming and going. I don’t know why but I just felt very odd. Really anxious and on edge. James came up and I told him how I was feeling. We both just thought I’d feel ok once I was relaxed and sleeping. We chatted in bed for a while but I had to keep getting up to use the loo (sorry if TMI!) over and over again. The contractions were also getting pretty regular and seemed to go from uncomfortable to painful quite quickly. As time went on I realised that I was in labour and I felt really scared. I contacted my mum and let her know what was happening. She came over and we decided to head to hospital after phoning as our hospital was about a 45 minute car journey away.

The contractions kept coming as we drove there, James was timing them in the back of the car. They were coming quickly and getting more and more painful. When we got there I was examined but was only 1cm dilated. I was so shocked as the contractions seemed much worse than when I was in labour with Sophia. We were sent home until things started getting more intense.

Once we got home James and I got back into bed to try to get some sleep. Needless to say, that was an impossibility for me at that point! The contractions kept coming thick and fast were getting more and more painful. We went to the hospital once more a few hours later but, again we were told I was still only 1cm. Going up and down to the hospital was not fun – every bump in the road made the pains worse but we managed to get back home.


Monday 1st December – Harrison’s Birthday:

By 6am we were back home. I couldn’t believe that we’d been sent back twice! By this point I just wanted it all to be over and was starting to feel as though it’d never happen. Once back my mum took Sophia to my sister’s house to play with her cousins and be looked after there. I hopped into the bath for a bit but just felt restless in there and got out shortly after. I got dressed into some fresh clothes and got back into bed. After my bath I really felt like the contractions had intensified and I was beginning to struggle with the pain. I was terrified that the longer time went on the less likely we were to get to hospital in time. I phoned my mum to tell her I thought I needed to go back to hospital and she and my sister came to talk us. My poor mum was exhausted from having been up all night!

By the time we got back to hospital it was about 9am – we saw the college kids walking to the college by the hospital. The contractions were excruciating by now and I couldn’t stay silent through them. Once at hospital I needed a wheelchair to get up to the ward. I was checked over and told that I was STILL 1cm! I couldn’t believe it and sobbed in despair. The nurse suggested we go back home but I refused and begged to stay. I needed pain relief! The nurse suggested we could go and wait in a  side ward until things got going. I was so relieved and my mum and sister headed home. There were three other women in the side ward who were all waiting to be induced. In the end I had to pull the curtain around as the contractions were so regular and painful and I wanted to be in private.

The nurse on the ward offered me some Pethidine and, despite saying I’d never have it, I welcomed it with open arms. It really helped me to relax and the contractions felt much more manageable. I just dosed on the beg for about an hour with James rubbing my back. I remember after a while the contractions started getting more painful and intense again – maybe the Pethidine wearing off? I also began to notice a lot of pressure with each contraction, almost like I was starting to push. I asked the midwife to re-examine me and was pleased to find I was finally 4cm and could be moved to the labour ward. We were told to pack up and get ready – someone would be along in 10 minutes to collect us. I sat on the edge of the bed ready. Within a few minutes the contractions had hit a whole new level. The pains went around my back and tummy, through my hips and into my thighs. I remember saying to James that the pain was unbelievable. I started getting very antsy at this point and wondering where the midwife we were waiting for was. I think at this point I went into the Transition stage of labour as there were no breaks between contractions and I wouldn’t control myself – I was screaming and panicking, feeling the baby was about to come. The midwives heard me and rushed over. They lay me onto the bed and began wheeling the whole thing over to the labour ward quickly.

I went into my own little room and I was re-examined. I was asking the midwife for an epidural -  I couldn’t cope with the pain anymore. The midwife told me it was too late for that! In about 15 minutes I’d gone from 4cm dilated to 9cm! I was shocked and terrified all at once. In my head I remember thinking to myself, “Oh my God, I’m actually going to do this!”. I was given the gas and air and immediately it took the edge off the pain. It felt amazing to get some sort of relief from it all. I was up on my knees hanging onto the back of the bed. The midwife was lovely and chatty and was pottering around. She went out of the room and whilst she was gone my waters went. On every contraction my body was gradually pushing my baby out.

I began pushing properly at about 2pm and at 2:10pm our baby was born. He was placed up onto me and in that moment I was lost in him. This pink little being that was all ours. As he took his first breath, mine was taken away with the amount of love I felt. I just kept staring and touching him. It wasn’t until about a minute later that the midwife suggested I look to see if we had a boy or a girl. I looked down and saw we had a little boy. My heart felt as though it exploded, in that moment I knew that, just as with his sister, I would spend the rest of my life protecting him and that I would die for him. That feeling of seeing your baby for the first time is almost unearthly. It’s as though the whole universe stops just for a few seconds. There is no other feeling that ever comes close.

James and I couldn’t stop staring at him and marvelling at just how much he was like his big sister. It was like I was 21 months ago again and looking at Sophia at a few minutes old. I latched him on and he had a good breast feed whilst I was being examined to have stitches.

Unfortunately I had a third degree tear which I would need to leave my boys and go to theatre for. I remember feeling a little disappointed as I just couldn’t wait to get up to the ward, snuggle with my newborn and bask in the afterglow of having a new baby. Luckily I wasn’t in theatre for long and was back with them in no time.


Excuse the grainy iPhone photo. Having another feed after I’d got back from theatre.


My boys. Cuddles with Daddy.


And there he was…our beautiful little boy. The perfect puzzle piece to complete our little family.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Back to Blogging

After a lot of big life events over the last year I somehow managed to stop blogging. I often think of this poor, neglected blog and crave to update it. I suppose after job losses, relocation and having a new addition to our family I’ve not had much time for blogging. When I first had Sophia I blogged most days, even small snippets of what we were up to. I cherish those posts so much and now and again I’ll look back and remember those memories. I feel so guilty for not having done the same posts for Harrison. So I’m back and hoping to get back on board with regular blogging to document our little family and the memories we’re making together.

So…what has been happening?

Well, the big news is that we are now a family of 4! We welcomed our beautiful son Harrison to the world on 1st December 2014. He has slot right into our lives and it’s now hard to remember a time without him. It feels as though he completes our family. I will write more posts about him soon!


Harrison at just a few hours old.

We are now living in my hometown and are LOVING it! It’s a whole different life for us and one we are enjoying so much. Living in a big city was fantastic when we were a young couple and I reminisce fondly on all the fun times we had gallivanting here there and everywhere. Now we are a family living in a small town is much better. After moving twice in just over a year we definitely have no plans to move for a very long time!

James has a new job which is going brilliantly. He really enjoys it and it fits in much better with family life – we see much more of him now! Thanks to ‘flexi-time’, he starts at 7:30am and finishes at 4pm meaning he’s home for 5pm and can have dinner with us as well as helping with the chaos that is bath and bedtime which is always an added bonus!


Brother and sister getting along so well.

Sadly James’s father Dennis passed away in November after a hard struggle with cancer. It was a really devastating time for us and it broke my heart that he never got to meet his grandson Harrison, who was born a month later. James and I talk about Dennis all the time and we love to recall funny stories. Dennis was such a character and I wish I had got the chance to tell him how thankful I am for raising James to be the excellent father that he is.

Whilst we are still recovering financially from two job losses and getting our heads around all that has happened in the last 12 months, we feel in a good place and that things seem like they might finally been getting back on track. Everything that we have encountered seems to have made us stronger and appreciate all the things we do have in our life. I still feel lucky to be living my life.
