Dear Sophia,
You’re 9 months old! It feels like such a milestone as you have now been in the world longer than you were inside my tummy. I can’t believe that this time last year you hadn’t even been born and now you’re a smiling, chattering, crawling, active little girl!
You’ve started to sleep less in the day and longer at nights now. It’s lovely to get a bit extra sleep in the mornings and to spend more time with you in the day. You typically go to bed around 6:30pm now and can sleep up until about 8:30am.
As always you’ve been growing and changing lots this month!

You are still a very good eater! There is no food you dislike and you’re not fussy one bit. You’re gradually drinking less milk and eating more at meal times which is great.
You are able to pick up and put the food to your mouth very well and you can use a spoon and a fork. You wear a plastic bib to catch all the bits of dropped food but your latest trick is to pull the bib off and spill the food! The carpet under your chair doesn’t look so good!
This month you can:
- Wave. When people say hello or goodbye you now wave at them. I think you learnt it from me because I always stand in front of the mirrors and wave to you. You’ve began to wave to anyone and everyone when we’re out and about!
- Climb. You can climb up onto the sofa by yourself. I was so shocked when you first did it and a little nervous that you’d do it and then fall off but luckily you turned around and sat down.
- Stand. You’re not fully standing quite yet but you can stand and balance on your own for about 30 seconds. You’re getting stronger and stronger.
- Teeth. You have another little tooth in your mouth making the grand total of 2!
- Recognise your name. You know your name and look around when it is called.
- Pincer grip. You can pick things up with your finger and thumb now instead of a whole hand grab. I think baby led weaning has really helped this as you practise picking up bits of food every meal time.

Five Favourites at 8 Months:
Favourite toy: You love your stacker of family fish this month. It’s always the first toy you take off your shelf and you like taking all the fish off and looking at them.
Favourite book: Still big on lift the flap books! A favourite this month has been Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. We keep it in the bedroom and usually read it on weekend mornings and on my days off. You’re so independent and you love to pull the flaps open and turn the pages yourself.
Favourite food: You love eggs in every form! Your favourite way is as an omelette. I add a handful of frozen mixed veg and some cheese and put it all in the pan. You think it’s delicious!
Favourite activity: Probably reading. If I sit on the floor with a book you come straight over and climb onto me to listen.
Favourite thing to do or say: Favourite thing to do at the moment is to stand up. You spend hardly any time on your bottom anymore – you just want to be up and cruising around all the time.
And that’s what you’ve been doing at 9 months old! You’re personality is coming out more and more now and it just makes me love you even more. You’re such a happy, beautiful little soul and I don’t know what we’ve done to deserve you as our daughter but we’ll be forever grateful.
Happy 9 month birthday beautiful girl!
Lots of love from Mummy and