**In all the chaos of moving house I never got around to Sophia’s 5 month update! Luckily I have pictures of her at 5 months though!**
Dear Sophia,
Wow! How you have changed! You’ve gone from being a small baby to being a mobile, active, eating, inquisitive, interactive and bright little girl. We couldn’t be any prouder of you sweet pea!

This month I’m changing the way I do your updates – you’ve been sleeping through the night for months now and nothing has changed with your milk feeds so I don’t want to just keep repeating myself when you are doing so much more nowadays!
As I said in my weaning post you are now having solid foods three times a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner following baby-led weaning. A typical day would probably look like this…
Breakfast: 2 tbsp ready brek and ½ a banana (shared with mummy)
Lunch: maybe one of our recipes or some toast. Usually with one kind of vegetable and either fruit or full fat natural yogurt.
Dinner: You will join in with our evening meal which could be anything! Sometimes it’ll be fish with potatoes and veg, stir fry, spaghetti bolognaise…you are always game for anything!
You are loving your food and enjoy sitting up at the table with us during meal times. You are learning to use a cup with handles (and no lid!) and apart from the occasional spill you are learning to sip from it really well. We can’t believe what a clever girl you are!

You have learnt so many new skills recently and are always so proud of yourself when you achieve what you want to. This month you can…
Roll around everywhere and hold your head up with very good control.
Commando crawl. You use your legs and knees to almost drag yourself to something that you want. You are able to get from one end of the living room to the other with alarming speed – we have to keep a very close eye on you! You are starting to realise that digging your knees in and sticking your bum in the air gets you places faster; I don’t think it’ll be long until you are crawling!
Sitting up. In the last week you’ve mastered how to sit by yourself and you were very proud of yourself, as were we. You can stay sat up for about 3 or 4 minutes now before toppling over.
You can focus on tasks for much longer now and will spend about 20-30 minutes at a time on your mat and exploring all of your toys and books before getting bored.

Five Favourites at 6 Months:
You are beginning to show clear preference when it comes to things like toys and food so I thought it’d be fun to document them then look back to see how they’ve changed.
Favourite toy: You are showing lots of interest in ordinary household objects at the moment and are more likely to choose a wooden spoon over your plastic links. Seeing this I decided to make you a ‘treasure basket’ of everyday items from our house. I will probably do a post on this soon.
Favourite book: You are really enjoying brightly coloured board books with shiny or fuzzy bits to touch in them. You love ‘That’s Not My Bunny’ by Fiona Watt and the ‘Baby's Very First Touchy-feely Playbook’ from Usborne.
Favourite food: Definitely strawberries! I think you’d eat them at every meal if I let you!
Favourite activity: You love to play ‘row the boat’ and you like to rock back and forth as we sing it.
Favourite thing to do or say: You can now say ‘Dada’! You say it over and over again. You don’t know what it means yet but we’re thrilled that you are now being much more vocal.
We absolutely love watching you grow, change and learn. We can’t believe how lucky we are to have you; you’re our whole world and there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for you. Keeping shining bright sweet, little Sophia!
Happy 6 month birthday beautiful girl!
Lots of love from Mummy and Daddy.xxx